Packing Light But Getting The Necessities Is a Must For an Adventure Vacation

Summer is a great time to take a vacation and get into the great outdoors! When packing for an adventure vacation, it can be easy to overpack. Making a list of the basic types of clothing and supplies is important. Some destinations require clothes for both warm and cold climates, especially when visiting a mountainous area. Other adventure vacations may require special equipment or shoes. Going shelling on a beach is much different than going camping, for instance. Packing for touring a city would be different than packing for a lakeside boat trip. Knowing what type of activities you will be doing helps you plan for what to bring. Then you can make a list of categories and pack lightly by bringing only one or two types of the same item and re-using it several times. For example, bringing one sun hat instead of two, one pair of jeans for hiking, and one nice outfit for dinner, will make packing easier and lighter.

1 - Warm Weather Clothes

Summer vacationing often involves packing lots of clothes for warm weather. A great way to pack fewer clothes is to make sure all the shirts and shorts can be mixed and matched. Gray or khaki shorts will match with just about any color top. One new shirt for every day is a basic rule, and often shorts can be worn multiple times to save on space and laundry. If you will be in the sun, pack some sunscreen, a hat, and sunglasses.

2 - Cold Weather Clothes

Even in the summer, the mountains or the more northern climates may get a bit chilly, especially at night. Look at the weather forecast before you go on your adventure vacation to see what the current and future temps are in that area. Generally, a pair of jeans and a light jacket or sweatshirt are great to have in these places where the temperature varies from day to day, since you can put on or take off a jacket easily.

3 - Supplies for the Adventure

For camping or hiking, there will be various supplies needed. To take only what is needed and not more, make a list of all supplies before you leave. It is important to have a fresh water source and a way to cook food while out in the great outdoors. Other adventure trips may include bringing skis, snowboards, boats or canoes, hiking boots, water shoes, hunting gear, or sports gear. Plan for what is needed carefully and bring it only if it will be used on the trip.

4 - Food and Snacks

While out on vacation, there are many ways to prepare for your food supply each day. One way is to pack most of the food you will need before the trip, making it more economical for everyone. Non-perishables can be packed easily. Again, make a meal plan for each day so that you are not taking up more space than necessary and then bringing food back with you. Another way is to plan to eat out on vacation. This makes packing easier, but it makes the budget for food a bit more. You may also want to bring a few favorite snacks to have available while traveling to and from your destination.

5 - Leisure Activities

One of the best parts of vacationing is taking some time to relax and rejuvenate. After a day full of adventure, you may want to read a book or watch a good movie, make a special snack at the campfire, or sit in the hot tub for a while. Planning for the relaxing times is just as important as making sure you are ready for the adventure. Think about what you like to do to relax and plan to bring those special things to make your trip relaxing for you.